Less packaging, more sales

The country’s widespread water restrictions are a stark reminder of the dire and ongoing need to reduce, reuse and recycle. As with the need to save water, brand owners are constantly on the look-out for ideas to reduce their packaging while simultaneously boosting sales. One simple solution to this conundrum is to make use of a Do-It® Hang Tab from Pyrotec PackMedia.

Do-It Corporation, locally represented by Pyrotec PackMedia, constantly evolves its product lines and develops new solutions for common retail display problems, and has a clear focus on reducing packaging and getting products noticed in any retail environment.

Over the last 40 years, by working with its customers to figure out what point-of-sale solutions are the most durable and cost-effective for their products, Do-It Corporation has become the world’s largest hang tab manufacturer.

Do-It® Hang Tabs increase product visibility by presenting products vertically, face forward, using a self-adhesive hanger to increase consumers’ brand awareness and maximise merchandising display options. This also means that products can be cross-merchandised or displayed in several different locations within the same store. Another benefit is that by putting products where customers can see them, impulse purchases and overall sales increase.

When incorporated into packaging design, Do-It® Hang Tabs reduce or even eliminate the bulky packaging often required to display products at retail. Reducing packaging reduces waste and starts an environmental chain reaction throughout the product package development process. Smaller packages need smaller secondary and tertiary cartons, less inventory space, and less energy to transport. Less packaging also allows you to display more products in the same amount of space.

Do-It® Hang Tabs are provided either clear or printed, and all products can be produced in several plastic and adhesive choices, depending on performance requirements and customer preferences. Do-It Products are safe and FDA approved for non-food contact applications.

Pyrotec PackMedia offers Do-It® Self-Adhesive Hang Tabs, Do-It® Display Strips, Carry Handles, and Promotional Bottle Neck Tabs.

When incorporated during a product’s packaging design phase, Do-It® Hang Tabs effectively streamline products for a neater appearance, they increase display flexibility, and reduce waste. Do-It® Hang Tabs provide an environmental change that can be made quickly, with the added benefit of making products more accessible to customers
