Bursary Recipient – Thembalethu Khuzwayo

My name is Thembalethu Khuzwayo, I am nineteen years old and I am in my second year at Rhodes University. I am studying for a Bachelor of Arts in Organisational Psychology and Politics.

In January 2018, I was getting ready to start my journey at university and although I was excited, there was the concern of not being financially supported in order to even begin my studies. We are a family of six, of which all four children are solely dependent on my dad who is the only working parent. Two of us are in university and I have a three-year-old sibling.

One can only imagine the financial pressure my father is under. Receiving no word from all the bursaries and finding out that my initial application to Pyrotec had not even reached them, I had given up. But my parents did not give up and after a phone call to Pyrotec explaining the situation, they were more than willing to have me send another application for them to review.

Two weeks into my first year I received confirmation that I had received a bursary from Isivumo. I was filled with relief knowing that my dad would have one less thing to worry about and thrilled that I could complete my studies.

Pyrotec has not just helped me by giving me the opportunity of a lifetime, but they have also helped my family, knowing that my future is secured, and they no longer have to worry about me.

Thank you Pyrotec.
