Do-It® Hang Tab Testing

Pyrotec PackMedia is the sole distributor of Do-It® Corporation’s Hang Tabs and Display Strips in South Africa.

We are proud to be associated with Do-It® Corporation who takes the utmost care in testing all their hang tabs to ensure lower packaging costs whilst creating optimum retail visibility.

In the testing centre, different hang tab materials and packaging solutions are tested to determine what combination is best to carry various products. This commitment to quality has earned Do-It® Corporation an ISO 9001:2008 certification.

Several of the main tests include:

– Short-term track test which is used to measure initial application performance of a hang tab.

– Long-term hang test which is used to simulate hang tabs in retail locations over varying amounts of time from 20 to 365 days.

– Display strip testing which is used to ensure finger strength and overall holding capacity for a product’s size.

– Custom testing which is used for unusual packaging solutions.

Do-It® has several testing locations in their facility where the testing team will work to provide the best hang tabs and other display solutions based on shape, size, material, weight, and the environment different products will be displayed in.

Do-It® Corporation has been providing clients with packaging display solutions for over 40 years and has become the world’s largest hang tab manufacturer. This has all been achieved through taking the time to work with clients and figuring out what point-of-sale solutions are the most durable and cost-effective for their products.

Contact Pyrotec PackMedia today on 021 787 9600 or to place an order for your hang tabs. We assure that you won’t be disappointed!
